



Rev. Sonam Wangdi Bhutia is a minister deeply involves in socially engaged activities while serving at Katmandu Hongwanji as a head minister.  He has gone unique Buddhist path.  For many years, he went through various ascetic practices of Tibetan Buddhism but nothing satisfied him.  At last, he decided to come to Japan. 








Question You stayed in Japan for two years and returned to Nepal.

I studied at Chuo Bukkyo Gakuin for a year, received ordination.  I visited many temples, listened to Dharma talks during the second year.  I was surprised to see those temple members think, learn and receive the teachings so deeply.  After I returned to Nepal, I dedicated myself to the establishment of Katmandu Hongwanji by way of providing social support. 








Question Tell me about religion in Nepal.

Major religion in Nepal is Hinduism, there is Buddhism but there’s no Jodo Shinshu.  Nepalese Buddhism has become merely a container without contents.  Most of the Buddhist activities are based on praying or using a charm.  Many Buddhists believe in superstitions.  People fear when monks say, “if you do this, you will suffer bad things.”  Many people are surprised when they encounter Jodo Shinshu which denies any kind of superstitions.

However I also realize the generational difference among Nepalese people.  Young people do not feel comfortable of superstitions monks teach in which their parents are so much biased to.  In this way, young people and I have similar awareness. 





先日「奥さんとうまくいかない」という若い夫婦の相談を受けました。言い合いのケンカが絶えないという相談です。どうもご主人がよく外出されるようです。ネパールはまだまだ男尊女卑が根強い社会です。こういった場合、男性の側に具体的なアドバイスをします。「奥さんの話を聞いてあげてはどうですか」「仏教の教えに、toleration power(忍辱)という考え方がありますよ」といった風に応えます。


Question Do you listen to any particular problems from people in Nepal?

The other day, young husband came and he said, “I cannot get along with my wife.”  They always quarrel.  The wife gets anxious because the husband often goes out.  Nepal is yet a strong male-first society.   In a case like this, I always try to give more detailed suggestions to the husband.  It goes this way.  “Why don’t you listen to what your wife says?”  “There is a teaching in Buddhism.  It is toleration power (ninniku).” 








Question: What are the things or activities the Katmandu Hongwanji offer in Nepalese society?

There are six ministers, three male ministers including myself and three female ministers, actively take part in Katmandu Hongwanji.  I am in responsible of my temple as a head minister.  Many members come for morning service and Dharma talks. 

As I said previously, the ministers teach Japanese and get involved in various activities.  Many young people come to Katmandu Hongwanji.  Many of them are my “friends.” I talked to each of them and got to know each other.  Japanese people also come to the temple when they are traveling my country.  Most of them are not interested in religion, I talked to them about Nepal and make use of the temple as their accommodations.  I also talk to them about Jodo Shinshu, but getting to know each other is, I think, important. 







Question Please tell me your dream in the future.

The Primal Vow, key to the Jodo Shinshu teaching, is like “medicine.”  Medicine is indispensable for treating poison.  People sometimes have sufferings and realize the poison inside of me.  This is when the Primal Vow becomes the strong support for yourself.  I would like to propagate Jodo Shinshu to young people in Nepal. 






「他力本願ネット」は浄土真宗本願寺派(西本願寺)が運営するウェブメティアです。 私たちの生活の悩みや関心と仏教の知恵の接点となり、豊かな生き方のヒントが見つかる場所を目指しています。




掲載日: 2014.06.07
